LIBS Info: Element Analysis

Title Authors Material Detector Spectrometer Software
Evaluation of a compact spectrograph for in-situ and stand-off Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy analyses of geological samples on Mars missions Beatrice Salle, David A. Cremers, Sylvestre Maurice, Roger C. Wiens, Pascal Fichet Soil Kodak KAF 1001 ESA 3000
Laser: Nd:YAG
Gate Delay: Noneus
Gate Width: Noneus
The key aspect of this work was the evaluation of spectrometers for analysis on Mars (where the atmosphere is 7 torr CO2). The low pressure atmosphere does reduce the background continuum significantly compared to atmospheric pressure measurements. Three configurations were tried - 2 in-situ analysis schemes (lens to sample 15cm), and a standoff scheme (lens to sample 5.3m). These results were compared with using a commercial LIBS spectrometer, and should be compared with using some Ocean Optics HR2000 units (here) Samples for detection limit calculations were made by pressing the material into 32mm sample cups and pressing to 20tons.
Element Detection Limit (ppm) Wavelength (nm) Other Wavelengths (nm) Calibration Method Calibration Range (ppm) Notes
Al 18600.0000 (Stated) 391.1400 N/A Univariate Calibration -10.0000--10.0000 In-situ analysis. RDS= 4%
Ba 30.0000 (Stated) 455.3900 N/A Univariate Calibration -10.0000--10.0000 In situ analysis. RSD = 27%
Ca 850.0000 (Stated) 393.3600 N/A Univariate Calibration -10.0000--10.0000 In situ analysis. RSD = 7%
Fe 30000.0000 (Stated) 404.5800 N/A Univariate Calibration -10.0000--10.0000 In-situ analysis. RSD = 10%
Mg 160.0000 (Stated) 280.2700 N/A Univariate Calibration -10.0000--10.0000 In-situ analysis. RSD = 4%
Mn 370.0000 (Stated) 403.0800 N/A Univariate Calibration -10.0000--10.0000 In-situ analysis. RSD = 40%
Na 70.0000 (Stated) 588.9700 N/A Univariate Calibration -10.0000--10.0000 In-situ analysis. RSD = 11%
Si 90000.0000 (Stated) 288.1800 N/A Univariate Calibration -10.0000--10.0000 In-situ analysis. RSD = 3%
Sr 30.0000 (Stated) 407.7800 N/A Univariate Calibration -10.0000--10.0000 In-situ analysis. RSD = 35%
Ti 2400.0000 (Stated) 398.9200 N/A Univariate Calibration -10.0000--10.0000 In-situ analysis. RSD = 37%

Element RMSE (ppm) Wavelength (nm) Calibration Method Notes