LIBS Info: Element Analysis

Title Authors Material Detector Spectrometer Software
Pre-flight calibration and initial data processing for the ChemCam laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy instrument on the Mars Science Laboratory rover D. Vaniman, R.L. Tokar, R. Perez, A. Ollila, H. Newsom, P-Y Meslin, N. Melikechi, J. Mazoyer, N. Lanza, O. Gasnault, Cecile Fabre, M.D. Dyar, D. Delapp, L. Deflores, A. Cousin, B.L. Barraclough, D. Blaney, S. Bender, S.M. Clegg, Ryan B. Anderson, O. Forni, J. Lasue, Sylvestre Maurice, Roger C. Wiens Geological ICCD Czerny-Turner (Unspecified)
Laser: KGW
Gate Delay: -10.000us
Gate Width: 9999.000us
Very comprehensive description of the pre-MARS work on the ChemCam. In this paper, 69 geological samples were analysed at a distance of 3.0m using a Mars like atmosphere (in particular 930Pa CO2). To ensure homogeneity at LIBS Beam diameter scale (350-550um), the samples were typically pressed powders. Extensive pre-processing is undertaken, including subtraction of dark spectrum (that is, without laser pulses), denoising using wavelet transforms, continuum removal, live wavelength calibration and correction for instrument response. The paper also compares Total Emission measures, noting particularly poor performance for gypsums. LOD figures are from univariate calibrations, whereas RMSEP values are from PLS2 model. The Authors also did work on improvements in PLS models from removing a standard or a spectrum from the model.
Element Detection Limit (ppm) Wavelength (nm) Other Wavelengths (nm) Calibration Method Calibration Range (ppm) Notes
C 24000.0000 (Calibration Curve Slope) -10.0000 N/A Univariate -10.0000--10.0000 As this analysis takes place under Mars conditions [930Pa CO2], the detection limit is higher as the technique needs to discriminate sample carbon from atmosphere signal.
Pb 300.0000 (Minimum Detectable Concentration) 406.0000 N/A None -10.0000--10.0000 LOD#1 [note: wavelength is to nearest integeter nm]
Ba 46.0000 (Calibration Curve Slope) 455.0000 N/A Univariate -10.0000--10.0000 LOD#2 [note: wavelength is to nearest integeter nm]
Sr 15.0000 (Calibration Curve Slope) 408.0000 N/A Univariate -10.0000--10.0000 LOD#2 [note: wavelength is to nearest integeter nm]
Rb 11.0000 (Calibration Curve Slope) 780.0000 N/A Univariate -10.0000--10.0000 LOD#2 [note: wavelength is to nearest integeter nm]
As 960.0000 (Minimum Detectable Concentration) 447.0000 N/A None -10.0000--10.0000 LOD#2 [note: wavelength is to nearest integeter nm]
Cu 424.0000 (Minimum Detectable Concentration) 327.0000 N/A None -10.0000--10.0000 LOD#1 [note: wavelength is to nearest integeter nm]
Mn 63.0000 (Calibration Curve Slope) 403.0000 N/A Univariate -10.0000--10.0000 LOD#2 [note: wavelength is to nearest integeter nm]
Cr 9.7000 (Calibration Curve Slope) 425.0000 N/A Univariate -10.0000--10.0000 LOD#2 [note: wavelength is to nearest integeter nm]
K 12.0000 (Calibration Curve Slope) 770.0000 N/A Univariate -10.0000--10.0000 LOD#2 [note: wavelength is to nearest integeter nm]
Cl 35000.0000 (Minimum Detectable Concentration) 838.0000 N/A None -10.0000--10.0000 LOD #1
Li 0.3000 (Calibration Curve Slope) 671.0000 N/A Univariate -10.0000--10.0000 LOD#2
H 320.0000 (Calibration Curve Slope) 656.0000 N/A Univariate -10.0000--10.0000 LOD #2 from paper

Element RMSE (ppm) Wavelength (nm) Calibration Method Notes
K 0.3950 % -10.0000 PLS Scaled from K2O
Na 0.4850 % -10.0000 PLS Scaled from Na2O
Ca 3.9700 % -10.0000 PLS Dragged higher by a few significant outliers
Mg 3.0300 % -10.0000 PLS Dragged higher by some large outliers
Mn 0.1300 % -10.0000 PLS Good overall PLS fit
Fe 2.8800 % -10.0000 PLS Note: Scaled from Fe2O3
Al 2.2200 % -10.0000 PLS Note scaled from AL2O3 figure
Ti 0.7900 % -10.0000 PLS For most samples the Mean error is much lower - dragged higher by several outliers
Si 7.7300 % -10.0000 PLS Uses the same number of PLS factors for all elements.