LIBS Info: Element Analysis

Title Authors Material Detector Spectrometer Software
Size-Selected Aerosol Filter Analysis using Electrostatic Classification and LIBS N/A Aerosol ChemReveal ChemReveal
Laser: Nd:YAG
Gate Delay: 1.000us
Gate Width: Noneus
Li, Na, K, V, Mo, C, Ag, Ba and Pb in aerosol form are collected onto filters and analysed using LIBS. Detection limits of 20ng/cm^2 were achieved. This translates to a detection limit of 12ng/m^3 for 24 hour sampling at 1m^3/hr.
Element Detection Limit (ppm) Wavelength (nm) Other Wavelengths (nm) Calibration Method Calibration Range (ppm) Notes

Element RMSE (ppm) Wavelength (nm) Calibration Method Notes