LIBS Info: Element Analysis

Author: J.J. Laserna
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Uni6ersity of Malaga, E-29071, Malaga, Spain
Title Authors Material Detector/Spectrometer/Software Source
Laser induced breakdown spectrometry of vanadium in titania supported silica catalysts P. Lucena, L.M. Cabalin, E. Pardo, F. Martin, L.J. Alemany, J.J. Laserna, M. Sabsabi Titania Stanford Computer Optics, 4 Quik 05/Chromex 500 IS/ Link
Analytical control of liquid steel in an induction melting furnace using a remote laser induced plasma spectrometer S. Palanco, S. Conesa, J.J. Laserna Steel ICCD/Not Known/ Link

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