LIBS Info: Element Analysis

Title Authors Material Detector Spectrometer Software
Initial Quantitative Measurements with Handheld LIBS [Catalysts] Don Sackett, Suzanne Moller, Morgan Jennings, Justin Spott Catalysts SciAps Z-500 LIBZ analyzer SciAps Z-500 LIBZ analyzer SciAps
Laser: Unknown
Gate Delay: Noneus
Gate Width: Noneus
This online article summarises a number of different applications of the SciAps Hand Held LIBS analyser. In this result, 4 samples were used in the calibration. 20 analysis spots were made on each sample, and the total measurement took 18s. While undoubtedly a promotional piece, this gives some of the few available detection limit figures for handheld LIBS devices.
Element Detection Limit (ppm) Wavelength (nm) Other Wavelengths (nm) Calibration Method Calibration Range (ppm) Notes
Rh 30.0000 (Calibration Curve Slope) -10.0000 N/A Univariate 10.0000-225.0000 20 analysis spots, taking 6 seconds for the full analysis. The authors indicate that this is preliminary data.
Pd 100.0000 (Calibration Curve Slope) -10.0000 N/A Univariate 250.0000-1550.0000 20 different laser spots used in the analysis. Analysis time, approximate 6s.
Ce 100.0000 (Calibration Curve Slope) -10.0000 N/A Univariate 4000.0000-50000.0000 20 different laser spots used in the analysis. Analysis time, approximate 6s. Calibration concentrations estimated from Fig 2d.
Pt 300.0000 (Calibration Curve Slope) -10.0000 N/A Univariate 450.0000-2000.0000 20 different laser spots used in the analysis. Analysis time, approximate 6s. Calibration concentration range estimated from Fig 2b.

Element RMSE (ppm) Wavelength (nm) Calibration Method Notes